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Eat & Train Like A Athlete | Kara Paris Halliwell On Nutrition & Training

Writer and expert8 years ago
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The fitness industry has been building up a storm since soaring onto the scene in 2000. The strength-based programme founded by Greg Glassman is now developed in communities in more than 6,000 gyms around the world - and we have the privilege to have the incredible Champ Kara Paris Halliwell proudly represent Myprotein!

Better yet, the muscle-built Olympic Athlete has kindly provided the nutrition plan and workout regime that helped build the foundation of her incredible, strong physique.

Kara Paris Halliwell | Athlete
kara paris halliwell functional fitness

The passionate Athlete has worked solidly for 2 years, progressing from a rookie to a competitive Regional-level athlete.

Kara trains twice daily, 5-times a week to make sure she is in great condition for competitions taking place across Europe - often requiring the athlete to contend for hours at a time! Kara not only has the stamina for that, but she has also had the dedication to also burst onto the Olympic Weight Lifting scene, building her

So, how does someone in their early 20's progress so quickly and have the strength to do so?

The answer is simple: solid training and great nutrition.

A Day In The Life Of Kara Paris Halliwell | Nutrition & Training
Meal 1 Oats, Chocolate Whey Protein & Wheatgrass powder with Bulletproof coffee
Training Morning Cardio, BCAA 4:1:1 (tropical) before & after 
Meal 2 Jerk Chicken
Training: Lift/strength: BCAA 4:1:1 before & after 
Meal 3 Sweet Chicken
Training: Gymnastics/skill: BCAA 4:1:1 before & after 
Meal 4 Sesame Chicken
Meal 5 Quinoa Salmon and Zinc & Magnesium
(30 minutes before bed)
Nutrition Breakdown

Great nutrition is absolutely mandatory if you're wanting to build your strength to perform at a elite athlete level! This means regular, nutrition-dense meals to consistently nourish the body and provide fuel for effective muscle recovery.

Below highlights Kara's main meals for the day, mostly provided by Buffbox meals. In addition to these meals, Kara also consumes snacks throughout the day to make up her daily macros and consistently provide the right fuel for her training. These include:

? Protein shakes for recovery

Eggs and egg whites

Nuts and seeds


Macro split = 50% Carbs/30% Protein/ 20% Fat - 2800 Calories
Meal 1:

Porridge oats

? Impact Whey Protein (chocolate peanut butter flavour)

1 serving Wheatgrass

Meal 2

Jerk Chicken: Chicken, Rice, Peas Chick peas, Sauce and Herbs

Macros: Protein: 25.9g Carbs: 33g | Fats: 2.5g | Calories: 258

Meal 3

Sweet Chicken: Chicken Breast, sweet potato, Broccoli, Herbs

Macros: Protein: 26.3g Carbs: 30g | Fats: 3.2g | Calories: 247

Meal 4

Sesame Chicken: Bulgar wheat, Chicken breast, Goats Cheese, Bacon, Green beans

Macros: Protein: 34g Carbs: 47g | Fats: 8.4g | Calories: 387

Meal 5

Quinoa Salmon: Mixed grain quinoa, Salmon, Spinach, Pumpkin seeds, Cashews, Figs

Macros: Protein: 39.7g Carbs: 47.9g | Fats: 26.7g | Calories: 579

Training Breakdown (5-6 times week)
kara paris halliwell training
Morning Cardio workout

This is a consistently varied workout, always around 30-40 minutes of LISS (Low Instensity Steady State cardio.)

Workouts include:

? Running

? Swimming


Olympic Lifting/Strength

2 hours of Snatch, Clean and Jerk

?Squatting and deadlifting


1 hour strength and skill work

? MetCon: Otherwise known as Metabolic Conditioning (sequenced resistance exercises.)

Kara's supplement breakdown

In addition to her staple protein porridge, wheat-grass for that energy-boost and Zinc & magnesium to help relieve muscle ache and aid a better night's sleep, Kara supplements daily with essential ingredients to fuel her active lifestyle.

Choosing the right supplements for your goals is incredibly important. In addition to your nutrient-dense meals, the right supplements can enhance your hard work to get the absolute most out of your training!

kara paris halliwell

? Super Omega 3

3 x per day to help contribute towards normal functioning of the body.

?Vitamin D3

Coconpure Coconut Oil bulletproof coffee

3 x per day to help contribute to normal immune function, bone & muscle function and calcium levels.

Coconut Oil

Healthy fats in the form of deliciously sweet coconut oil - try in your morning coffee for a frothy, warm wake-up call - it can double up as a pre-workout!

Beta Alanine

Taken during training for help with explosive movements.

Take Home Message

Begin or progress your training with the correct nutrition and supplements to maximise your strength and power.

New to it? Try these simple beginners exercises and brush up with these beginner's tips!

Let Myprotein know about your progress on Facebook, Twitter or snap a quick video on Instagram. 

ZMAZinc, Magnesium

Vitamin D3Immune function

Whey ProteinMuscle Recovery

Super Omega 3Heart function


Our articles should be used for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to be taken as medical advice. If you're concerned, consult a health professional before taking dietary supplements or introducing any major changes to your diet.

Writer and expert
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