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The Gluten Free Diet | Is Gluten Bad For You?

The Gluten Free Diet | Is Gluten Bad For You?
Claire Muszalski
Registered Dietitian6 years ago
View Claire Muszalski's profile

Is gluten all bad for everyone?

You’d think the word ‘gluten’ means all things bad the way it is mentioned in such extreme terms of health risks. But is it as bad as you may have been led to believe. The answer is, well… maybe.

What is gluten and why is it an issue for some people?

There is a debate going on that has one half saying gluten is okay for everyone except people with celiac disease, while the other half say it is a risk full-stop.

Gluten is a group of proteins, the two main ones being glutenin and gliadin. It is found in wheat, rye, spelt and barley grains. The word ‘gluten’ comes from the glue-like texture of wet dough; this is because when flour is mixed with water, the gluten proteins form a sticky network.

For people with celiac disease, their severe intolerance means consuming gluten can result in nutritional deficiencies, anaemia and intense digestive concerns. Symptoms include digestive discomfort, tissue damage in the small intestines, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, headaches, tiredness, skin rashes, and weight loss.

It’s possible to experience these symptoms with other forms of gluten intolerance.

gluten free breadsticks myprotein

The following are common sources of gluten:

  • Wheat
  • Spelt
  • Rye
  • Barley
  • Bread
  • Pasta
  • Cereals
  • Beer
  • Cakes, cookies and pastries
  • It’s also used as an ingredient in many commercial products.
gluten free

Is it essential to avoid gluten?

Scientists at Harvard University have said that there is an increased risk of developing diabetes for those who cut gluten out of their diet.

There is little evidence to suggest reducing gluten consumption provides long-term health benefits, except for those with conditions, yet the research suggests there is a 13 percent higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those with higher levels of gluten. The study was based on 30 years of medical data from nearly 200,000 patients. The presentation reported that those subjects who ate the most gluten had the lowest risk of type 2 diabetes upon follow-up.

The issue is that wheat problems are restricted to people with celiac disease. Many people may develop gluten intolerances.

A common concern can be inflammation. This is because the proteins in wheat are irritants for your guts. Amylase trypsin inhibitors can provoke an inflammatory immune response by stimulating immune cells. This can happen to anyone, whether they have celiac disease or not. This inflammation can add to intestinal permeability, also known as ‘leaky gut’ as more flow is allowed through the gut walls than usual.

Because the gut is more permeable this means gluten is able to get into your bloodstream, which can affect your immune system. For anyone wanting to cut gluten in order to lose weight, you may be barking up the wrong tree. One study found that the average gluten-free diet had more calories, protein, saturated fatty acids, and often sugar.

Our articles should be used for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to be taken as medical advice. If you're concerned, consult a health professional before taking dietary supplements or introducing any major changes to your diet.

Claire Muszalski
Registered Dietitian
View Claire Muszalski's profile

Claire is a Registered Dietitian through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and a board-certified Health and Wellness Coach through the International Consortium for Health and Wellness Coaching. She has a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Master’s degree in Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition from the University of Pittsburgh.

Talking and writing about food and fitness is at the heart of Claire’s ethos as she loves to use her experience to help others meet their health and wellness goals.

Claire is also a certified indoor cycling instructor and loves the mental and physical boost she gets from regular runs and yoga classes. When she’s not keeping fit herself, she’s cheering on her hometown’s sports teams in Pittsburgh, or cooking for her family in the kitchen.

Find out more about Claire’s experience here.
