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Best Weight Gain Supplements For Women

It’s probably not controversial to say that, generally, there is greater societal expectation for women to be ‘skinny’ or to not put on weight. For years, unrealistic ideals have been pushed, leading to self-esteem issues among many women.

But despite what you may have heard, gaining weight is not, and should not be, a goal that only men may follow. Women can put on weight if they want to, for any number of reasons. It might be for health, strength, performance, or simply because they feel like it.

Reasons why women may want to gain weight

Some women may wish to gain weight by building lean muscle mass, either for aesthetic or performance-related reasons.

Lean muscle mass can be built by following a consistent training programme while in a positive energy balance, ie consuming more calories than needed for maintenance. Resistance training provides the stimulus for muscle growth and the additional energy enables the body to build muscle.

On the other hand, some women may wish to gain weight by putting on body fat. Women who have previously been on restrictive diets may be at risk of having low energy availability (LEA), a condition common in female athletes.

LEA happens when the body doesn’t receive enough energy to support its physiological functions. Female athletes tend to be at particular risk of it because they may not consume enough calories to cover the extra demand intense training puts on the body. This may be because of the expectation within some sports to have a certain physique.

When the body isn’t getting enough energy, it essentially prioritises vital functions. This means that other systems — like the immune, reproductive and thermoregulation systems — may not function normally.

To prevent LEA and its effects, increasing energy intake, body weight and fat mass may be required.

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Top 3 weight gain supplements for women

Gaining weight can be challenging for some because it requires consuming more calories than the body needs. A way around this is to include more calorie-dense foods that can provide additional energy without adding too much volume to meals.

Weight gain supplements can also be helpful to encourage weight gain, as thet can be added to an already balanced diet, increasing the energy and nutrient intake without having to overhaul and change every meal.

Myprotein's Best Whey Protein Flavours According To You

If you’ve ever found yourself in a protein-picking dilemma, a good place to start is what’s the most popular.

1. Impact Whey Gainer

Designed to provide a convenient boost of energy and nutrients, weight gainer blends can be mixed into drinks, providing an easy way to obtain the necessary calories for weight gain.

Impact Weight Gainer contains a blend of oats and protein, providing 397kcal per serving alongside 31g of protein, and 3.1g of fibre to support a healthy digestive system.

2. Impact Whey Protein

The body is in a constant state of muscle protein breakdown and repair, but the rate of this increases with exercise.1,2 Eating enough protein is key to supporting this process.

Protein powder is a super-convenient way of achieving your protein goal, especially if you don’t consume much meat or dairy. Add a scoop of Impact Whey Protein to a smoothie for some extra calories, have it on its own as a post-workout shake, or include it in porridge or your favourite baking recipes.

3. All-In-One Recovery

In order to gain muscle, you need to train hard, which means that more fuel is required.

Carbohydrates are the best fuel source for strength and weight-based training, so you consume plenty to support your workouts.

All-In-One Recovery Blend provides a combination of protein and carbohydrates, making it a super-convenient supplement to include in your diet.

Best snacks for weight gain

There is no single “best” food to support weight gain as no single food can cause weight gain or weight loss.

However, energy-dense foods are particularly helpful if you want to gain weight but have a low appetite, helping you to consume the calories you need.

10 High-Protein Snacks You Can Make At Home

Mid-day munchies just got better.

Nutritious snacks for weight gain

  • Greek yoghurt with granola and a banana
  • Peanut butter and jam bagel
  • Avocado on toast
  • Hummus with pitta bread and falafel
  • Cereal with a protein shake
  • Nuts and dried fruit
  • Fruit like banana or dates with nut butter
  • Protein smoothies

Best meals for bulking and weight gain

If you're wanting to gain muscle, one of the most important macros is of course, protein. All the meals below have at least 38g of protein per serving. The calories vary, but if you feel like upping your cals and overall macros to gain weight, simply up your portion size.

Loaf Tin Lasagne

Super simple, and makes enough for four portions. This Loaf Tin Lasagne is packed with all that cheesy tomatoey goodness, plus packs 665kcal and 50g of protein. A great lunch option when you're trying to gain mass.

Calories 665
Fat 8g
Carbs 74g
Protein 50g

Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta

This recipe is an absolute must-try, whether you're looking to gain weight or not. Ready in four steps, delivering 516kcal and 38g of protein and oozing creamy, spicy sauce. It's incredible fresh or makes a great meal prep option.

Calories 516
Fat 8g
Carbs 71g
Protein 38g

Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta | High-Protein Meal Prep

When it comes to quick & simple meal prep, this one’s a sure bet.

One-Pan Creamy Mushroom Chicken

Save on washing up, and bulk out your macros with this one-pan recipe. Succulent chicken in a mouth-watering creamy mushroom sauce, with 520kcal and 52g of protein. This recipe is comfort food done right.

Calories 520
Fat 27g
Carbs 20g
Protein 52g

Easy Chicken Curry With Broccoli Rice

Simple & delicious — this recipe is a certified weeknight win.

Chicken Curry with Broccoli Rice

You can't go wrong with chicken and rice... it's just a fact. But this recipe levels up the gym-lover's classic and still delivers on those all-important macros. 450kcal and 45g of protein.

Calories 450
Fat 5g
Carbs 120g
Protein 45g

High-Protein 1,000kcal Bulking Burger

Did someone say bulking season?

1,000kcal Bulking Burger

OK, I might've saved the best till last. Topped with all the usual burger trimmings and oozing with cheese, this burger is perfect for a Friday-night fakeaway. 1,005kcal and 56g of protein, bulking has never tasted this good.

Calories 1005
Fat 68g
Carbs 7g
Protein 56g

10 High-Protein Snacks You Can Make At Home

Mid-day munchies just got better.

Take home message

Weight gain, like weight loss, isn’t easy. But there are some things you can do to help you reach your goal. Energy-dense foods, snacks and supplements can help to increase your energy intake in a simple and convenient way. By choosing certain foods, you can get the calories and nutrients you need to put on weight without having to struggle through massive meals.

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Origin Pre-Workout: Fuel For The Dedicated

Pop a scoop, wrap up your straps, and get lifting.

Our articles should be used for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to be taken as medical advice. If you're concerned, consult a health professional before taking dietary supplements or introducing any major changes to your diet.
Elle Kelly
Elle Kelly Registered Dietitian
Elle Kelly is a registered dietitian specialising in eating disorders and disordered eating. Elle is also a registered sports dietitian with a MSc in applied sports nutrition, and currently combines her specialities to support recreational to elite level athletes to fuel their performance whilst improving their relationship with food in her own clinic, EK Nutrition. Elle is passionate about providing evidence-based information in a way that is accessible to everyone, and always wants to help filter though the nuance and myths that circulate within the health and fitness industry so that induvials can make informed decisions about their nutrition. Elle is a member of the BDA and HCPC, and regularly undertakes supervision and CPD courses to ensure that she keeps her skills and knowledge up to the highest standard to support her clients. Elle enjoys long distance running and dabbling in cross fit, is a passionate cook and loves to travel and explore new places.

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