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5 Home Workouts To Try Now You’re Locked Down In Your Student Flat

5 Home Workouts To Try Now You’re Locked Down In Your Student Flat
Monica Green
Content Manager4 years ago
View Monica Green's profile

We know that going to Uni in 2020 is a little different to what it normally looks like. Especially if you’re a fresher, it's probably not exactly what you’ve been expecting. The usual Freshers traditions of student club nights where you dress up in your old school uniform, and get lost on the way back to your flat after a night out are thrown out of the window. 

However, the freshers of 2020 will have a shared experience that no one else has, and getting to know your flatmates has probably never been you’re literally, all in this together. 

If going through the pandemic with a flat of strangers hasn’t helped you bond with them enough, try getting everyone together for a flat workout. Or if you’re just finding everything a bit overwhelming (understandably) release your stress with a workout on your own and you’ll feel 10x better for it. It might even encourage your flatmates to get up and moving. 


20 Minute HIIT Workout: 

If you’re looking to well and truly get your sweat on but you and your flatmates can only muster up enough energy for 20 minutes, you better make it an intense 20 minutes.  

This HIIT workout will deliver just thatPerfect for any level of ability to get their heart rate up, and requiring no equipment, there are no excuses not to give this work out a go. 

Follow along in real time with Lillie Smith as she puts you through your paces. 

Booty Burner Banded Workout: 

All you’ll need to get going with this workout is a resistance band, and enough energy to push you through a burning leg day.  

Resistance bands have become a workout staple for so many of us, so if you’ve not got your hands on one yet, ask around your flat, someone is bound to have one you can borrow. 

Once you’ve got your resistance band, let Hannah Gunn train you with her favourite resistance band exercises to get the glute pump of your dreams.  

Workout Here 

30 Minute Upper Body Workout: 

Usually a gym buff but no idea where to start with no equipment and locked down to the confines of your new flat? Bodybuilder Tom Johnson has the secret to a solid upper body workout guaranteed to leave your muscles sore the next day.  

Being in lockdown you’ll definitely be able to squeeze this one in, 30 minutes targeting shoulder, triceps, biceps and chest, using nothing more than a sofa and a dining table. 

Quick Ab Burner: 

If you’re going to get advice from someone about how best to train abs at home, its best to get it from someone with abs like Gabriel Sey. 

Gabriel put together a quick but effective ab workout that stops you doing endless crunches and makes doing abs a little bit more fun, we promise. 

Workout Here 

20 Minute Muscle Builder: 

A full body muscle building workout from a Barry’s Bootcamp trainer to get you moving after a long day of sitting on the sofa and attempting to attend online lectures. 

This workout is also ideal for doing with a friend, so knock on your flatmates doors and try to get them involved. 

Take Home Message: 

Being locked down as a student may not be ideal, but it does give you more time to play with to squeeze in a workout. As we all know too well it can be easy to sit on the sofa all day and not move our bodies when we have to stay in quarantine, but your body and mind will thank you for it once you get it moving and get your heart rate up. 

Looking for more workout ideas?

Our articles should be used for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to be taken as medical advice. If you're concerned, consult a health professional before taking dietary supplements or introducing any major changes to your diet.

Monica Green
Content Manager
View Monica Green's profile
Originally from London, Monica graduated from the University of Leeds with a degree in Philosophy. After discovering a love for the gym whilst studying, Monica was drawn to weight training which helped her hugely through stressful times as a student. From writing for a popular student site, Monica developed her skills as an author, writing trending feature pieces regularly. She is thrilled to be able to combine her love for writing with her passion for the gym. In her spare time Monica loves to cook, try out new restaurants with friends and explore new walking trails.