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These Female PTs Will Inspire You To Chase Your Goals

Becoming a PT is an incredible achievement. It takes years of hard work, determination, courage, and overcoming an endless array of obstacles — both mental and physical.

However, in a world of fitness that can still feel dominated by men, becoming a PT as a woman can amplify these trials — whether it’s dealing with harsher criticism, or having to work twice as hard to prove their ability.

We spoke to five of our female PTs to learn more about their journey, the challenges they’ve overcome, what they’d say to those starting out, and what it’s really like working in the fitness industry today.

What inspired you to become a PT?

Emma Anderson (PT in London for three years): “Seeing how few female PTs there were available. I also used training to turn my life around, so I wanted to help other females do the same.”

Rosie Musk (PT in York and Leeds for two years): “My family have always been very active, and I've participated in multiple sports since a young age. I discovered the gym when I went to secondary school, finding an interest immediately. I then began doing exercise classes and qualified as a personal trainer when I turned 18.”

Chloe Turpin (PT in Leeds and online for one year): “When I used to play netball, we had strength and conditioning, functional fitness and gym sessions every week. I worked with several coaches and trainers who were extremely good at what they did. I saw the way they helped multiple athletes reach elite level, and since then I have wanted to follow in their footsteps, helping people adapt their lives - whether that’s weight loss or gain, building strength, or just staying happy and healthy.”

Ursula McQuoid (Portsmouth PT for seven years): “My mental health was in the gutter. I've always suffered with depression and recently found out I have obsessive compulsive disorder. I didn't want my physical and mental health to deteriorate any more so decided to take action and join a gym after putting on a few pounds. Training has helped massively with the alleviation of symptoms.”

Emily McGinley (UK PT for seven years): “I loved weight training for a long time, and following influential people such as Alice Liveing and The Food Medic inspired me that I too could go down the PT route. I decided to study this alongside my degree in nutrition, working in what I loved and helping people discover the benefits of exercise and resistance training, alongside nutrition, which works hand in hand.”

What have been some of the biggest challenges throughout your journey?

Ursula: "Pushing myself to finally start my career as a personal trainer post-pandemic. I put on a whopping 20kg over the lockdowns. Even though I had been on my own fat loss journey before and competed in Bikini, I piled all that weight back on and it knocked my confidence. I shifted it all again though and business is flying - I never thought I would be where I am today! Hard work and perseverance always pay off. It's ended up a positive, as I've been in the same position as most of my clients so I can empathise.”

Emily: “My biggest challenge has been navigating my way through the pandemic. Owning a PT business, being self-employed, moving back to the UK from Australia where I had to build myself up from the ground again, and gyms shutting all made it much harder. It was a really challenging period for me. But through this I got to work on my online coaching side of things to keep me going.”

Chloe: “My biggest career challenge to date was starting fresh as a PT. I work in a commercial gym with many established PTs, so building my client base from scratch was quite daunting as I was up against good competition. The aspect of this being my business was also a bit scary, thinking if I don't have any clients, I'm not going to get paid! However, all the PTs I work with gave me great advice on how to get clients and what has worked for them. I settled in very quickly and have grown my clientele.”

Rosie: “Growing a client base has always been my biggest challenge. I now work primarily online and it's difficult to differentiate yourself from such a saturated space.”

Emma: “My biggest challenge is fitting in enough of my own training sessions and rest while running my business!”

Group of women training with resistance bands

What are the biggest obstacles facing women in your industry right now?

Chloe: “I think the biggest obstacle facing women in this industry is confidence. A lot of my clients are women who struggle with confidence in the gym, for multiple reasons. I think if women feel like this just from training in a gym, they aren't as likely to want to become a female PT.”

Ursula: “As a personal trainer, you are expected to look a certain way to be taken seriously. But as females, we naturally have to do a hell of a lot more to maintain a ‘lean’ physique - not to mention it's not healthy for us to stay at such low body fat levels, which men have an easier time sustaining. I think there needs to be more focus on women's health in the industry, as well as the focus on just ‘looking better’. I would love to see more covered about women's health specifically in personal training certification courses as a standard.”

Emma: “The ‘quick results’ surgery options that women think can circumvent fitness. Also, social media gives out a lot of incorrect information and can be a platform for unqualified trainers.”

Rosie: “Stereotypes and lack of respect, mainly from male gym-goers who can sometimes think they know more about fitness than you just because of their gender. I think more female PTs should penetrate the PT space to prove them wrong.”

Emily: “It’s definitely a male-dominated industry, and though I am seeing more and more women come into it recently there is still not enough. Having more females in this space to help women achieve their goals would be amazing.”

Who has inspired you the most throughout your career and why?

Rosie: “KKFIT twins on Instagram. They have been influencers for a long time, but now preach more about mental health and the journey they've been on throughout their years.”

Emma: “Some of the genuine female PTs and athletes out there, such as Serena Williams.”

Emily: “The Food Medic and Alice Liveing. I love the informative posts they put out and their constant focus on bettering your overall health and wellness — not just your physique. And making health information easily accessible to many so we can all have a bit more education on training and nutrition.”

Chloe: “There are many women in the fitness industry who have inspired and will continue to inspire me. Seeing females excelling in this industry is becoming more prevalent and I hope it continues!”

Ursula: “For me, it’s any newbies - anyone out of their comfort zone that I see in my gym - showing up and getting it done even though they're anxious or don't know what they're doing. They are my biggest inspirations, every day. Because showing up to something when you've no idea what you're doing - that's scary. And I respect it.”

Woman PT correcting alignment of client

What words would you have for someone just starting out in a fitness/sports career?

Chloe: “Give 100% in whatever you’re doing, whether it’s team sports, solo sports or working out in a gym. If you’re nervous about going to the gym because you think people are going to judge you or you do an exercise with imperfect form, don't be. Everyone else should be too focused on what they are doing to even know you are there!”

Emily: “Learn as much as you can from others around you and get a mentor early on. I didn’t, but once I did, I learned so much. Also, ask questions! You can never have enough knowledge.”

Ursula: “Abs are not the answer to your self-esteem issues. If you don't train your brain as well - work on your mental health and everything else - you will still be unhappy. It's cliche, but happiness comes from within.”

Rosie: “Be open to change, care about your clients, and make a real effort to change people's lives. Look after yourself in the process and don't burn yourself out.”

Emma: “You are stronger than you think. Consistency is key — just keep progressing and challenging yourself with new PBs.”

Take Home Message

Though the road to becoming a PT inevitably brings its challenges, overcoming them can be even more rewarding — whether it’s helping to change the face of an industry or f transforming someone’s life.

Interested in being part of the change? If you’re a woman considering a career as a PT, why not apply for the Myprotein PT training scheme? Once on the scheme, you’ll earn commission for referring products to your clients, enhance your brand reputation through many PR opportunities and join a community of fitness professionals.

Meanwhile, those looking to kickstart their own fitness journey can get started with one of our protein bundles and packs.

Together, we can help make health and fitness a more supportive place for everybody.

Adele Halsall
Adele Halsall Writer and expert
Adele is a keen blogger and yogi with a passion for the vegan lifestyle. She loves exploring new (sometimes weird) foods, cooking & testing new recipes, and always appreciates a good sourdough.

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