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6 Ways To Refresh With Vimto® Clear Whey

6 Ways To Refresh With Vimto® Clear Whey
Emily Wilcock
Content Executive2 years ago
View Emily Wilcock's profile

With summer just around the corner — and teasing its arrival with a day of sun roughly every two weeks — it’s time to dust off our finest Clear Whey recipes.

But we’re not just celebrating the arrival of summer. We're also celebrating the return of one of our favourite collabs — Vimto® x Myprotein.

Saying this collab was a fan favourite would be the understatement of 2022. You’re going to need to be quick and stock up while you can.

We’re the kings of taking childhood favourites and giving them a protein boost.

Enjoy post-gym, tuck in while watching a good TV series or take them to work with you. Just bear in mind you’ll probably need to share them with your colleagues.

High-Protein Vimto® Layered Cheesecake

This is potentially one of our most talked about recipes ever. People went wild for it. And we can see why. I mean, come on, it’s a Vimto® cheesecake. I have no idea how anyone dreamt up the idea for this one. But they did. Give them a pay rise, I say.

Clear Whey Jelly Sweets

Why drink Clear Whey when you can eat it in the form of a jelly sweet? Even better, you can take them with you to the gym and get your protein fix immediately after your workout. Sounds like the height of efficiency to me.

Clear Whey Fruit Jelly

The garden party showstopper that’ll leave everyone’s jaws on the floor. It looks fantastic, it tastes fantastic and with 26g of protein — you'll feel fantastic afterwards.

You can add all your favourite fruits too. For me, it would be strawberries, raspberries and pineapple. I'm not fully sure pineapple will work in this, but it’ll definitely work better than it does on pizza.

Clear Whey Rainbow Ice Lollies

We’re absolutely trying to kid ourselves that summer has arrived by including these. But fret not, good weather is on the way. So be prepared with a freezer full of these super-fruity protein pops.

And even if the weather takes a turn for the worst, you’ll still find me sitting in the rain, in a coat, eating one of these. Mind your own business … or join me.

Protein Slushies

Sometimes simplicity is key. And a clear whey slushie is exactly that. Simple, refreshing and so tasty. All you need is your favourite flavour of clear whey, ice and water. It's your post-workout protein and your cool-down all in one.

Take home message

And there we have it. Some of the best Clear Whey recipes. The best part? You can use your favourite flavour (Vimto® all the way please). Mixing up the flavours even feels like an entirely different recipe. It's the gift that keeps on giving.



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Emily Wilcock
Content Executive
View Emily Wilcock's profile
After completing an internship with Myprotein, Emily returned to university to finish her Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management and Marketing. With experience in lifestyle writing, Emily aims to entertain and educate through her work. Her focuses include recipes, real and inspiring stories, and working with writers to help provide easy-to-digest evidence-based research. Her work on recipes has been previously featured in The Supplement magazine, with a particular focus on high-protein, nutritious meals, plus advice on how to properly fuel your body. Outside of work, Emily’s top priority is food. She’s a self-professed star baker and a connoisseur of all things baked. In her spare time, she’s either cooking up a storm, our looking out for the opportunity to try out Manchester’s newest restaurants. But as a huge fan of carbs, if it’s not pasta or pasta-adjacent, she’s not interested. If she’s not in the kitchen, she’s tucked up with a book for an early night, or you’ll find her in the gym working up a sweat. Afterall, all those carbs require quite the appetite.