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Ryan Terry Gets Hands On Making His Own Supplements

Ryan Terry Gets Hands On Making His Own Supplements
Emily Wilcock
Content Executive2 years ago
View Emily Wilcock's profile

Ryan Terry is a huge name in the bodybuilding world. He recently won the Arnold Classic 2021, but we think his career may have peaked with his latest success — he’s now a Myprotein production factory worker.

In his latest video, Ryan took a tour around Omega If you’re not familiar, this it’s where some of Myprotein’s most popular products are made and packaged. It’s where the magic happens, so to speak.

As Ryan walks in, you can tell he’s absolutely overwhelmed by how vast it is. It’s the length of 15 football pitches, which is almost unfathomable. And it’s absolutely packed to the brim with protein.

At Omega, there’s no rest for the wicked. Ryan was put straight to work to make sure his new products were up to scratch.

Ryan’s new products have already hit the virtual shelves, and we’re not sure who’s more excited about it, us or Ryan. His collaboration with MYPRO has been in the works for months, so it’s understandable that he was so keen to finally get his hands on the final product.

The range includes THE Pre-Thermo and THE In:EAA.

Find out more about the products here:
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Before Ryan got to work, he had to look the part first. After he’d been kitted out head to toe in sanitary gear, he hit the production floor. He oversaw the products being weighed, to make sure there was the exact amount in each tub. He watched as the scoops were added — contrary to popular belief, they aren’t put in the bottom of the tub just to mess with you — and the label attached. Finally, the products are heated to make sure they’re sealed, and the dates are printed on the tub.

I could just watch the process all day... it’s so satisfying.

After he was up to speed with the process, Ryan was put to work, making sure each tub was sealed before they are packed into boxes ready to hit the warehouse floor.

But the trip wasn’t over there. Next was a trip to the quality assurance lab, where each batch number is tested to make sure it is exactly what it says it is on the tub. Ryan can confirm, it’s damn tasty.

Take Home Message

This limited-edition range is sure to sell out, so snap them up while they’re hot. It’s possible your tub may have even been checked by Ryan himself.



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Emily Wilcock
Content Executive
View Emily Wilcock's profile
After completing an internship with Myprotein, Emily returned to university to finish her Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management and Marketing. With experience in lifestyle writing, Emily aims to entertain and educate through her work. Her focuses include recipes, real and inspiring stories, and working with writers to help provide easy-to-digest evidence-based research. Her work on recipes has been previously featured in The Supplement magazine, with a particular focus on high-protein, nutritious meals, plus advice on how to properly fuel your body. Outside of work, Emily’s top priority is food. She’s a self-professed star baker and a connoisseur of all things baked. In her spare time, she’s either cooking up a storm, our looking out for the opportunity to try out Manchester’s newest restaurants. But as a huge fan of carbs, if it’s not pasta or pasta-adjacent, she’s not interested. If she’s not in the kitchen, she’s tucked up with a book for an early night, or you’ll find her in the gym working up a sweat. Afterall, all those carbs require quite the appetite.